
ellie bellie

This adorable little peanut, affectionately called Ellie Bellie, is celebrating her first birthday!  Ellie was full of giggles and laughter!  By the end of her session she was yawning a bit, ready for a nap after all our playtime, but she kept going strong, as we chatted.    Ellie’s like the energizer bunny, she gets sleepy, but keeps going and going!  No sleepy meltdowns from this little sweet pea, she just crashes when she can’t go anymore!

Andy and Tara weren’t sure that they would ever have children.   They waited 8 years to start their family and wanted to surprise Andy’s mom with the sonogram photo as their way of sharing their exciting news.

Upon first glance, Andy’s mom thought the sonogram was theatre tickets!  You can imagine her excitement when she realized she was going to be a grandmom for the first time!  No show can compete with that!  Tara’s mom thought the exciting news was that they were getting another dog!  I can just imagine those smiles when they learned the real surprise!

Ellie’s Fluffy Puppy was a gift from Grandmom and Fluppy Puppy was all Ellie could think about when he was in her line of sight.  Pretty sure this is going go melt Grandmom’s heart!

Happy Birthday Ellie!  I wish you many exploring adventures, dragging Fluffy Puppy by your side!

(mom’s favorite–she said this is just her Ellie!)

(most often I find my favorite photo ops come when the session is over!  Sink baths—oh the memories that brings back!)

  1. Judy says:

    What a little cutie pie, she looks like she was a joy to shot.

  2. Aunt Kelly says:

    What beautiful pictures. She is such a happy Baby.This little girl has brought such joy to everyone who she comes in contact with whether it be family or friends. She loves eveybody. Congrats Tara and Andy!

  3. Grandma Janet says:

    Love these pics! But Grandma LOVES YOU, MS, ELLIE RAE!!!!

  4. Jennifer DiDio says:

    she is a joy filled baby for sure and was a delight to photograph! 😉

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