Korey and Jessi are graduating tomorrow and headed to senior week to celebrate the last 12 years of hard work coming to an end! This session was a little bittersweet for me because Korey is my oldest nephew. Where have the years gone!!?? We wanted to create some really cool, unique senior prom photos to celebrate their long standing relationship and all the hard work that has gotten them to this point. Enjoy these moments C A P T U R E D forever you love birds! I wish you all the best as you venture out into this next stage!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Jen,,, you just gave me such wonderful memories to have of Korey, all grown up and on his way out into the world,, The photos are outstanding,, I am in tears right now. He has had such a long road to travel and has made us all sooo proud. He called me just before he walked up and after so I would know he was holding his diploma in his hand with his name on it, spelled correctly. Jessi looks so beautiful in all the shots,, they both look wonderful. I am glad they had you to capture this time for them. Love ya, MOM
What wonderful photos!!! They turned out just like I thought they would. Hard to beleive he is all grown up.
He has made us all so proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Big Sis for making this a great memory for him!
thnx girls! beautiful family treasure! 😉
OMG!!!! They both are stunning in these pics. You made my baby girl look so beautiful. Im grateful to you for giving my Jessi a wounderful treasure, to take with her while they venture out into the world. I am so proud of both Korey and Jessi.
Thank you, Jessi's Mom