

The Larson’s have just welcomed their fourth bundle of joy to their sweet family.  And baby Fitz is certainly welcomed with abundant love and celebration by all who join with the Larson’s to smile upon this precious one.

As you can imagine, when a baby arrives into a family with 3 older siblings, it’s a perpetual chain of people waiting in line to get their turn to hold the baby.  Camden, Tessa and Collins are no exception, but all waited their turns with patience while Fitz tooks turns in everyone laps. 

In all his ultrasound pictures, Fitz always had his hand on his face…so how fitting that we should capture this in his newborn gallery.

Matt and Tracie are continually amazed how Matt’s Swedish genes seem to dominate with every child they have.  I seem to remember my biology class genetics lesson had something about dark genes trumping light genes…not this case here!  Not sure the Italian side will ever show up in these children; however, they seem to have gotten the best possible mix of their mom and dad, so the olive skin and green eyes will be mom’s alone. 

Tracie is a huge fan of the hand woven baby wearing wraps you see above.  She says there’s just nothing like having your baby snuggled up so close to your heart.  Followers of this portrait blog may remember the stunning portrait collection of Tracie and Collins in the wraps in the studio grounds wildflowers last summer.  Now it’s time for the next baby of the family to be held close to Momma’s heart in these cherished wraps.  It’s not time for Collins to completely pack up her time though, Dad still carries her on his back at times, which immediately brings a big smile to her little cherub face.

May the Lord shine upon you baby Fitz.  May He direct your steps and teach you to know Him through this life as you discover all He has planned for you!  May your everyday be surrounded with abundant love from all those you will hold dear.

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