
Princess Christine

Empty nesting is the new black.  That’s Christine’s new mantra!  She’s single for the first time in her adult life, not by choice, but that’s not going to stop her from owning it!

After having spent years of her life caring for everyone else and being on the bottom of the list, it’s now time for her to take a season of life to celebrate her own freedom to explore life.  She came for portraits to be reminded of the beauty that is her and have this shown to her in a way that she almost forgot about.


For Christine, it’s like waking from a long slumber and realizing there’s a world out there ready to be explored.  We joked about the show, Adventures of the New Christine, as she shared her adventures with me as a newly single woman with a mischievous grin!

Remember always your beauty that shines bright Christine and smile as you pass your gorgeous wall display daily!

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