
Koch family 2017

Time continues to march forth…clearly it stops for no man, woman or child.  This is why our portraits become priceless and precious to us.  They are a looking glass back into what happened while we blinked for a moment.   

I have been front and center for so many moms like Nikki who are sending their first borns off to college.  Time and time again they tell me how quickly the time went.  How they want to stop it for a bit so they can savor what seems to disappear before their eyes.  I get the sense of urgency there is to family portraits for the last time while there’s a ‘full nest.’ 

I understand how moms are torn between wanting to keep their nest full and wanting to see their babies spread their wings to soar.  But, it’s clear when you have a son like Ryan, soaring is the only option and oh how high he’s going to fly at George Washington University!

I’ve so appreciated the messages I’ve received from moms who I created senior portraits for as those seniors are now leaving to be freshman in college.  A year later, their tears over what we created fuels my creative soul!  Let’s be honest, when it comes to guys–the portraits are more for mom than anyone else.  To remind her of the little boy who looked up at her with eyes and told her he’d love her forever.  And when those little boys begin to tower over their moms, it’s clear the nest won’t remain full for much longer.  The world beckons them on.

Sam & Nikki, I know after creating for you for the last 7 years how bitter sweet this family portrait time was.  It’s probably good there was a lot of laughter (especially when Kamdyn spoke to Sam in his deepest possible voice, “hey that’s my Mommy!” while we were creating your romantic portraits!)  You’ve poured into Ryan every day of his life–and now he’s going to use the wings you’ve given him to leave his mark mightily!  And don’t worry–Thanksgiving’s coming fast!  Enjoy the little blast from the past! 😉

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