We are noticing a trend at JDP…sometimes the JDP senior session happens a little after the fact. We 100% get it–life gets tricky. For years now, clients have been also been commissioning us to create college graduation portraits. For now we are calling them our JDP senior seniors…working on that one!

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Sofia’s been following my work for a while now. She’s known some of our clients and was intrigued by the feedback clients left on our Google account. Mostly how affirming the whole process was at showing each client their own beauty. Heart melt…

Click here to contact us to re your own custom portraits.

Sofia told me she was most drawn to the fine art styled portraits she’d been watching me create for years. She’d been anticipating the opportunity to have these created for herself.

Sofia’s final year of high school didn’t go as she had always imagined…it was a rough year. Sofia is a believer and her relationship with the Lord encourages her to consider how He uses all things to conform us more to His image. As a result of the tough things she has walked through, Sofia imagines her future to involve helping other young men and women in crisis situations. Today she works at Frederick mental health associates and loves being on the frontlines of helping to bring relief.

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Sofia loves being able to sit down with people who come for help to hear their stories and then help get them hooked into programs that will assist their journey.

Sofia imagines herself in a more official social work role one day with a speciality as a crisis specialist. It’s clear this tender soul longs to take away pain and replace it with joy whenever possible in life. That’s a large mandate to carry that has been given to her by her faith in Jesus. She desires to show people His unending, gracious love that exceeds our wildest imaginations.

Sofia was involved in theatre during her time in highschool so we leaned into that for the portrait below with our new mask.

One of Sofia’s goals from the portrait time was to be able to see herself as others who love her do. She has a very large family that loves her. She wanted to see the smile again she had as a little girl. This drawn out from the lens of someone who had met her just one other time, was important.

Click here to contact us to re your own custom portraits.

Sofia’s love of music is a balm to her soul.

At first meeting, Sofia appears shy. But it doesn’t take long until she’s a spinning wheel who is outgoing and jokingly called a millenial by her BFF! We saw that fun energy from her the day of her session!

Click here to contact us to re your own custom portraits.

Click here to contact us to re your own custom portraits.

Sofia’s love of music has pointed her to a hopeful music minor in college one day. Music for her is therapy and the conduit for her is her flute, violin, saxaphone and piano. She began when she was 4 years old and has never stopped.

Sofia you were an absolute delight. Your kind and gentle spirit, your love for life and your joy radiates from within. It is a deposit made by your Heavenly Father who calls you His own dear one! May you always know that truth and continue to shine brightly!