
JDP senior Sierra

Remember “Where’s Waldo”? I thought of this as JDP Sierra shared about her travel schedule. Sierra’s most likely to be found on a flight heading to an archery competition with her dad and fellow competitors beside her. Her sophomore year she transitioned to online school to make her busy travel schedule possible.

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Sierra started as a travel softball player and was a catcher. Her dad coached her and she loved the game. Unfortunately though, when she was 13, Covid brought her love of softball to a sudden standstill. Sierra’s competitive spirit was floundering without softball to pour it into. She went into high gear to find other outlets.

She began considering other options that would keep her engaged during lockdown. She took up dirt bike racing for a while and had a blast. But she was also pursuing archery training and it began to take on a life of its own for her.

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In 2022 Sierra found a program in Lancaster that encouraged her to be all in as a competitor. She travels 1:45 minutes each way for her training in the JOAD (Junior Olympics Archery Development). She trains with an elite group of 15 other young archers. As her commitment to archery increased, Sierra realized it was time to pack up her love of dirt bike racing. Shooting with a broken arm just isn’t possible and she wasn’t willing to take the risk.

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Sierra loves the thrill of competition and despises losing. This compels her to a vigorous training and travel schedule. Sierra’s training schedule is 4-5 hours a day, 7 days a week except for travel days. She says there’s nothing like the adrenaline rush of competing at the highest levels in this sport.

All this training has not come without a cost. She’s dealing with a shoulder injury due to the imbalance and over use that causes knife like pain for her at times. Her therapy to address this involves trying to achieve balance between the shoulders.

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Sierra’s found her home away from home comforts that make travel no sweat for her. Avocado toast and iced vanilla lattes with caramel are her go to. And if there’s a Cracker Barrel anywhere within 20 minutes of where she’s staying, you’d better believe that’s where she’ll be! She’s a creature of habit–pancakes and hashbrowns–every single time she goes! Later in the day–fried pickles are on her order! Recently while traveling she ate there 4x in one week (much to the disdain of her family)!

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Sierra has recently found a new love–hunting. She found the adrenaline rush of waiting in the woods for a deer, then nailing the shot, close to the thrill of archery competition.

Sierra has sponsors for some of her gear who will likely be excited to see some of their brands featured in her portraits. She’s been awarded a scholarship for archery to the home of the #1 archery program in the US, University of Cumberlands. Sierra we wish you all the best as you heal and compete!

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  1. RoseAnn Clough says:

    What amazing pictures! And with the commentary- totally fantastic!

  2. Sara Butler says:

    Thank you Rose Ann!

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