The perfect little furry four legged family portrait for JDP senior + Max! Oh it’s moments like this when I’m locking down portraits that feel magical! I hunt and hunt for these kinds of moments but getting animals to cooperate takes tenacity and patience. Vincent is a covid puppy the whole Hutchison family adores! Vincent loves his Max and Fish the cat miraculously gets along fine with Vincent!

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JDP senior + Max may look familiar to blog followers. His brother JDP senior Garrett was here last year. Plus we created family portraits for the Hutchison’s about 10 years ago. It’s just so cool to continue to tell the stories for our JDP families!

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Max has a serious love of all animals. When he was younger he attended Sea World camp and was also a junior zoo keeper via an internship in middle school. He’s created enrichment items for the chimps to stimulate their brains. He created a paper mache bee hive filled with origami bees with fruit inside them. (The chimps did eventually bust the beehive open).

But it’s not just furry 4 legged friends who have stolen Max’s heart! It’s also his beloved bearded dragon, Spyro. In his animal adventures, he’s gotten a chance to hold a Hellbender salamander, the largest native amphibian! Max’s mom jokes he’s a walking dinosaur dictionary! So it makes sense that his absolute favorite movie is Jurassic Park, which inspired some of his portraits outdoors!

Max’s love of animals means every trip to Hershey Park includes a 2 hour trip to Zoo America…much to the chagrin of his siblings!

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Max, the cinephile, can’t speak the praises of Jeff Goldblum enough. What was crazy cool in portrait creations is that Max has the energetic animation of a character actor like Goldblum. This series we created of him could have had 50 favorite animations in it! Max is a natural!

Max’s chance to embody Sam Neil! Oh what a dream that would be for him to star in an updated version of Jurassic Park!

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Max’s love for the other worldly manifests in his love of Renaissance re-enactments, reading, playing D&D, and artistic creations.

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Given his wonderings into other worlds via his books and games, we thought it would be cool to depict a dream like state for Max.

Max’s love of art comes from his father who is an accomplished artist and encourages teenagers in their pursuit of art teaching photography. Max was eager to include a few of his dad’s pieces in his own artistic set. Max draws, paints, and sculpts mythical creatures, horror themed scenes, animals, and fantastical scenes. He allows his creations to erupt from his constantly churning mind in any direction they desire.

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Max has gotten a vision for becoming a marine biologist and intends to begin classes to purse that in the near future. He was trained and certified to scuba dive when he worked with a turtle rescue which helped him to realize he’s in the right pursuit. Max’s love of all created things means he even tried to save a spider in the pool when we created this set of portraits!

Such a joy to create this collection of portraits to lock down all that encapsulates your life Max! I wish you all the best as you pursue your love of animals and their care!