
biker momma

Julie’s a ‘grab the bull by the horns’ kind of girl….this is probably what drew her husband Brad to her in the first place.   It’s also probably why I value our friendship so much.  She gets an idea and then makes it happen. 

One Friday night a few months ago she was at my home and noticed our overhead kitchen light had just burned out.  It wasn’t just the bulb that needed replacing though, so we knew it was a project that would be pushed to the weekend. 

 (can’t always explain why certain images just make my heart skip a beat and stop me in my tracks…but this one did…i see art here…julie’s so channeling greek goddess in this series!!!)

Julie jumped on it right away…literally; she jumped up on my countertop, dismantled the light and set to work figuring out what the problem was!  She was several months pregnant but she knew she had no issues with balance so she set to work sleuthing out the problem.

Friends all stood around watching her/cheering her on/looking out for her safety.   She was calling out part numbers and diagnosing the problem.  Another friend Stacy posted Julie’s pic on FB with the caption, “why not put the pregnant lady on the counter top to fix the light!!???” 

On her way out of town for the weekend, Julie stopped by Home Depot to pick up the ballast (I think that’s what she called it!) we would need to fix the light.  Then she dropped them off at our home.  I say ‘we’….but really I mean my husband Chris would need to fix the light!

BTW, Brad and Julie were on their way out of town to a small home they bought in West Virgina they are totally renovating.  Julie’s right beside Brad throughout the whole construction process!   And yes, she uses her jewel studded tape measure which is always found in her purse!  This is going to be their private family retreat to enjoy and behold the gorgeous surroundings of West Virginia for many years to come.

Julie and Brad are excited to welcome the birth of their first child, a baby boy we’ve all been affectionately calling Max Powers.  Something tells me even if another name is chosen for him, we may all still call him Max Powers. 

As families prepare for the birth of a baby, it seems there are always some preparations that end up standing out and making you smile.  Brad’s mom passed on some baby laundry detergent to them.  Brad commented the box looked really old and Julie assured him, ‘no it’s just one of those vintage box looks advertisers use sometimes.” 

Low and behold, Brad was right—it was a box of detergent from when his younger sister was a baby, 28 years ago!!!  Mom saved it, not wanting to waste good detergent just knowing she was going to have a grandchild some day!   Waste not, want not is a lesson I’m sure Max Powers will become accustomed to quickly!  I love it!   What I love even more is Julie is figuring out ways to use this detergent (albeit not for the baby clothes) so it doesn’t go to waste!

Julie and Brad frequently show up to our house on Brad’s motorcycle, to the major delight of my 3 boys!   So, this series we knew would be greatly appreciated by Brad!   I have a feeling Max Powers will be appearing in something related to this when he arrives!

Julie admitted for all her bravery in her approach to life, being photographed was not a comfort zone for her.  I can appreciate how unnerving it feels to have someone photographing you so we always end up chatting and laughing and talking about the stuff of life to help take the pressure off.  Julie did beautifully!  And she was hopeful for just one great photo from the session! 

ps:  if anyone happens to be done with a “Sweet Child of Mine” onsie out there, I know these Guns and Roses fans would really love it for Max!

  1. Mindy says:

    How cute! Love the tape measure pic!!! Congrats Julie and Brad 🙂

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