There just aren’t enough hours in the day. Period. I think just about every parent I know would agree.
Kathy and Nick are no exceptions, but they are masters at making the most of every bit of spare time they successfully glean from their demanding schedules.
Their sweet family moved to Michigan last year when Kathy accepted an assistant professorship in vascular surgery & Nick accepted an assistant professorship in neurosurgery at nearby universities. As you can imagine, their schedules are jam packed so family time is a precious commodity they do no take for granted.
Leaving family and friends behind in Maryland was difficult; that just never gets any easier. Kathy and Nick try to get home as often as they can, but it never feels like it’s enough.
They came to town for a weekend visit with family and long time friends the Larsons. Kathy had mentioned to me in the past she wanted to arrange for a family portrait session when she was in town. Kudos to her for arranging all the details to make that desire a reality. One of those details was a rolling suitcase packed with supplies for her whole family for their session—not missing one single thing! Every mother who’s been responsible for packing for her family to fly somewhere knows this is feat worthy of a gold medal!
This blog will be a little more photo heavy than typical blogs. Let’s just say when you add the chaos of a portrait session into a weekend visit home, that’s a perk you’ve earned! This is also the first chance for Kathy and Nick to share photos of their 4-month-old daughter Riley with everyone!
Eian was so excited to be photographed playing soccer, wrestling with his dad and showing off his karate moves. He performed quick change-a-roos in the car to have each of his hobbies represented in his photos. It was really cool to watch Nick coach Eian as they shared these passions that also filled Nick’s childhood.
Riley loves being held while she watches Eian play around her. She’s utterly fascinated by him and he knows it, so he’s more than happy to put on a show for her. These two are buds already!
We compressed a whole lot of love and life into this portrait session. The beautiful photos will be a constant reminder to Nick and Kathy why they work so hard and all the love that awaits them when surgery schedules close for the day.
May you guys continue to make the most of all your family time while you cheer each other on through this life!