

There’s a line in a Sara Groves song I love that kept going through my head as I worked with Bruce and Teresa to capture and celebrate the new blessing of Parker Kenneth in their life.    ‘If it comes too quick, I may not recognize it.  Is that the reason behind all this time in sand?” 

8 long years Bruce and T have waited to welcome their little Peanut.  8 years in the grand scope of a person’s life is a small span of time.  8 years when you are ticking off the months in anticipation is quite a lot of time in sand that requires tremendous faith, patience and endurance to continue the journey. 

All this waiting can place tremendous strain on a marriage, but Bruce and T have weathered this storm and come out stronger on the other side.   They are so grateful to have their soul mate in one another.  Their close bond is evident to all who know them.  They are committed to being a constant source of help and encouragement to one another in every sphere of life.  What a blessing for Parker! 


Bruce’s fascination with the study of law led him to pursue a degree in law studies, which he is one semester from completing.  He read passages from these law books to Parker in utero….who knows maybe someday we’ll hear, “the Honorable Parker Kenneth Schultz is presiding.”

As you can imagine Mom and Dad are head over heels for their precious
little one.  Empty arms that ached for wanting to rock a baby are now filled with
the promise of new life.

It’s quite a time of transition in the Schultz home.  Dad has been a fire fighter for over 30 years and is currently a fire captain.  When he completes his degree in law studies, he has plans to continue on to a Masters.   T has set aside her career in banking and accounting to be at home with Parker.  I was surprised to learn this was her career field because she has quite an eye for home decorating.  She mentioned she would love to own  boutique some day to give expression to her love of fashion and decorating.  Can’t wait to see that someday!

Parker Kenneth, it’s clear you are a long awaited gift from God who will be swaddled in love through every stage of your precious life!

  1. Laura Perry Humbert says:

    Love it! Welcone Parker! We are so happy you are finally here! Love Uncle John, Aunt Laura and cousins Lana and Ridgely! XOXO

  2. Jennifer DiDio says:

    how sweet to see you celebrate with them laura! 😉

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