


Little Miss Mae is celebrating her 6 months of life surrounded by a family that’s head over heels about her.   Her smiles abound with ease, almost always prompted by her beloved family. 


Mae has some big shoes to fill with these three leading the charge.  They are passing on their love of life and lacrosse to her, even supplying her with her own mini stick!  She’s torn between eating it and cradling it at this stage of life—first step towards building the love!



Mom wrangled her busy family’s schedule to coordinate a time that would work for everyone so they could be a part of celebrating Mae’s 6 month old milestone.  Each of kids had their own milestone sessions as well growing up, so Mae is continuing the family tradition! 



I’ve had a run of really happy babies lately and Ms. Mae is keeping the streak running!  It’s pretty clear she adores her siblings as much as they adore her!



Those big blue eyes are sure to launch a thousand ships in her lifetime!



Coppertone baby going on a trip! 😉



Ms. Mae there’s a great big world out there for you to explore and you’ve got a whole gang of protectors who’ve got your back every step of the way! 

  1. Rani says:

    Oh My goodness- I have tears streaming down my face!! You did an amazing job of capturing this super special family!!! We love them with all our hearts!! Rani Ruby

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