Yes, it’s snow again today here in Maryland! Pretty safe to say I think just about everyone is over the snow and busting at the seams for spring to arrive! Another shoot is on reschedule today for snow… Thought you’d all enjoy a bit of reprieve from the snow, at least mentally, to wonder a bit in Cancun & Cozumel with me! My husband and I try to get away every year, just the two of us, as in investment in our marriage.
This trip involved a visit to Cozumel where we snorkeled and took in the sites…it’s hard to believe, but the water is even bluer in Cozumel! Cancun is more aqua but Cozumel is more brilliantly blue than anything I’ve ever seen before! We traveled in a glass bottom boat which provided an incredible view! It was also the last day of Carnival, unfortunately we had to be on the ferry before festivities started, but we got to see a tiny bit of the pre-celebration festivities.
Below are photos we purchased from the vendor we bought our snorkeling trip from…We actually bought the photos of us snorkeling and they threw in their captures from dives in the past. Supposedly Cozumel is one of the best places in the world to snorkel.
Anyone who knows my husband, knows he is a car nut! He just loved to drive fast. He spent until his late 30’s driving really slow and practical cars like Honda Civics with 233k miles on it, so I guess he’s due! For the first time ever, he did a track driving experience in Cancun.
Christopher, " oh no you didn’t!"
i almost said, ‘shhh, don’t tell his mom!" 😉