Meet Cole, a senior at South Carroll High who is making his mark on the competitive baseball fields. Cole’s all business when it comes to bringing his A game to the field. Whether it’s his work out regimen so evident in the muscles he’s built (which also includes helping to care for the family farm) or the determination he brings to the pitching mound, you can expect a pursuit of excellence from him. He holds nothing back…which also accounts for the broken ribs, concussions, stitches and busted hands. When being treated for a concussion his pediatrician said, ‘no more sliding head first!’ Cole said, ‘but I was safe! I get there faster!’ Stealing 2nd is Cole’s thing…which is why we wanted to create a dynamic portrait of this.
When Cole first started playing ball at 4 years old, his parents were advised to take him out to the 5 year old team based on his already developing skills. So they did. And then they were asked to leave. “He’s going to hurt the kids, he can’t play with 5 year olds.” What’s a kid to do whose showing talent and drive and work ethic at an age when most kids are chasing butterflies in the outfield? Difficult conversation to have with your 4 year old who just want to play ball! Fast forward 13 years and you have the determined baseball player that is Cole. All his hard work is paying off as he is currently being scouted by the New York Mets and the St. Louis Cardinals.
Cole, like most guys, was not so excited about the notion of senior portraits. However, mom was super excited based on what we had produced for her Taylor the year before. Cole was a bit intrigued by the idea that we could feature what he loved to do most in life—play baseball and hunt. So that’s just what we did. I have to say this is the first session that’s ever begun with flowers too! When I greeted Cole and his mom at the door a certain young man had a beautiful thank you bouquet of flowers for me! Very thoughtful indeed!
Sometimes a portrait experience like this takes a village, and that was the case for Cole’s session. We started dreaming about this session last year and when we ran into issues with getting an in shape baseball field in the fall, mom and dad took the matter into their hands. Dad took his crew of paving guys out to the fields with equipment to get the strip that Cole would be sliding into in shape. Mom got us admittance to the field, retrieved gear and encouraged Cole to realize senior portraits could be something beyond what he was imagining. Dad also got an old bucket truck working so he could send me up to photograph Cole in his tree stand! This is where Cole and Taylor get it from! Whatever you lay your hand to, give it your best!