

Do you ever watch an elderly couple walking hand in hand and find yourself wondering about the story their love would tell?  Do you ponder the life that’s been lived that’s led them to the point that they are still reaching for one another’s hand after 50 years together? 

Anyone who has been married a while knows full well that any love story will have its highs and lows.  Rebecca and Greg are no different.  Their’s is a story that seemed to be heading for ruin when they leaned in to hear a still small Voice calling them to a higher ground. 

Rebecca and Greg began their married life together in 2007.  They began as a family of 3 with Rebecca’s daughter Audrey and very quickly grew to a family of 5 when Grady and Keegan were born early in their marriage only 11 months apart from one another.  As most good pastors would do, Rebecca and Greg were advised to have a godly foundation for their home, unfortunately no one had helped them to figure out what this meant.  The pressures of family life and owning a business mounted swiftly and began to pull all the resources Rebecca and Greg had to give.  They grew apart and feelings of hopelessness mounted while the love that had drawn them together eluded them.  

In 2012 Rebecca and Greg believed they had exhausted all efforts to try and keep their marriage together and they officially separated.  Something today they do not see as a possible option for themselves.  On May 4, 2012 a day they have indelibly marked in their minds, Greg reached out to God to ask for help.  God brought him to his knees and began to do a work in a man who was ready to submit his life to his Maker.   

The Lord had plans to renovate Rebecca’s heart as well.   He became more precious to her than she ever imagined.  She had known God’s power when she first asked for his help in raising her baby girl and now He was becoming her foundation for life.   Rebecca and Greg realized their foundation needed to rest in the Lord and that will allow them to scale the mountains that they encounter, together.  They have found a happiness with one another that exceeds anything they had known prior.  Their church is helping them to lay a firm foundation that will weather every storm they encounter.  They celebrate the restoration of their marriage with the birth of their beautiful baby boy, Sawyer Gregory.  My portrait work is often known for being a window inside the story of life unfolding with my clients.  Rebecca and Greg decided to share their story to be an encouragement to others walking thru their own storm.  They want other couples to know that when all hope seems lost, the Lord is more than able to redeem the situation and restore what’s been ravaged.  He is always there to hear our cries and redeem beauty from our ashes. 

  1. Jamie Barnes Paterniti says:

    As Greg’s sister, I can tell you that you have captured their story perfectly and have brought me tears of joy. May God bless your work and the lives you touch.

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