
JDP senior Jovani

What better way to celebrate our freedom and independence on this 4th of July than to feature JDP senior Jovani on our blog today!  How cool that his mom found my portrait work recently and brought him to create with me after his graduation from Howard High School.  And though for most kids his age, the summer has just begun, for Jovani that couldn’t be further from the truth.  There’s no laying back for this kid over the summer!  He has already just begun his journey at the prestigious West Point United States Military Academy.

Jovani is following in his grandparents & his parents footsteps with his service to our country.  His dad has served in the Army for almost 24 years now.  His mom joined the Coast Guard a few years ago.  His grandparents are both retired from the Army. Jovani’s dad’s service made him eligible for a Presidential nomination to West Point.  However, that’s just the first step to getting accepted at West Point.  He still had to get an appointment to the Academy.  The acceptance rate is about 10%.  Jovani was one of those 10%, making his parents incredibly proud. Pretty incredible that out of 12,295 applicants only 1,230 entered the class of 2022)

Jovani spent his years in high school as a competitive runner and a musician.  The discipline required in both these ventures will serve him well in his military career which he is eager to begin.  He’s not sure what his future holds in terms of his career path.  He may continue in the military indefinitely serving as his dad has done, possibly in a future FBI role.  Time will be his instructor here.  If you’d like to chat about portraits that will stop time for you, you can contact us here.

What Jovani does know is that he’s very much looking forward to the family visits that await him to include his pug Sketcher.  Sketcher is his best 4 legged buddy and he’s not looking forward to leaving him behind.  I have a feeling Sketcher’s going to be waiting daily at the door for Jovani’s return!  It’s going to make for a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration when he returns home to visit.  I know two other people who will be eagerly awaiting Jovani’s return as well!

Jovani, we thank you for your service and your work ethic that’s gotten you to this point!  It is because of young people like you that our flag flies freely, boldly announcing the freedoms that countless have died for over our nation’s history.  We look forward to seeing what your future holds and how this world will be a safer place because of your service!

To chat with us about portraits to mark this time in your seniors life, click here to contact us!



  1. Gloría Villela Muñiz says:

    Wow! Beautiful! Every single photo shows his talents ! I see his face so clearly, I see his eyes that speak to me and most of all I see my Beautiful Grandson! We are so very proud of him. We love him so very much ❤️
    Thank you so very much for the Great photos, Excellent! Job!
    Yasmin and Raul, my daughter and son in law are the proudest of parents! We are the proudest of Grandparents too!

    I have him in my daily fervent prayers🙏
    All our love Grandma and Grandpa
    May God The love of God be the passion
    in your heart.
    The joy of God your strength
    when times are hard .The presence of God a peace
    that overflows.
    The Word of God the seed
    that you might sow.
    God Bless Our Grandson, from his Grandparents who ate both US Army Retitred Veterans! God Bless America on this 4th of July 2018!

  2. Caddie says:

    These pictures are so dope!!

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