We are all faced with choices in this life. Every single one of us has to choose gratitude or grumble, despair or dream, defeat or determination… JDP senior Natalie had a decision to make when she lost her father as she entered high school. Crumble or rise up. Rather than choose a path of despair that could have led to her own destruction, she began to pour herself into the game she loved, basketball. Her mom put a half court in their backyard and watched as Natalie poured her intense grief into growth that would prove to be an invaluable outlet for her.
Those who know Natalie know she smiles easily and is no girlie-girl. She joked with me about how out of her comfort zone creating portraits was. When we discussed styling for her, she admitted, “I never wear make up…well maybe a little mascara at Christmas, but that’s it.” I smiled big; these are my favorite types of sessions! Here’s the secret to why–it’s not the make up, or the hair, or the dresses, it’s just getting comfortable in your own skin that results in amazing portraits. That takes time, but it always comes. It’s also why I committed to a low volume portrait studio right out of the gates. It fuels me to watch the grin emerge when a skeptical client is delighted by what she sees developing before her on the back of my camera.
Natalie was eager to create her basketball portraits, because that’s where she’s most comfortable in life. She has been playing basketball since she was 5 and currently plays travel ball for the Maryland Hoop Masters and is a Varsity point guard for Winters Mill. She manages to balance an intense sports schedule with honors & AP classes and nursing preparation at Career Tech. Interested in your own JDP senior experience? Click here to contact us!
Natalie will be continuing to play ball at Penn State York in the fall. You may notice in one of the portraits a scar on Natalie’s left hand. In July she was diving for a loose ball and an opponent landed on her hand, breaking it in 3 places. Natalie continued to play on, until her vigilant mom realized something was very wrong and insisted she come out of the game.
Natalie was frustrated to learn she’d need metacarpel surgery from this break, but was determined to get back to playing quickly. She did just that only 9 weeks after her surgery! This has helped to inspire her to a career in physical therapy so she can assist other athletes in their rehabilitation process.
Natalie was a quick changer, I mean the speediest we’ve ever had, which meant we were able to incorporate extra set ups and outfits for her! She had our most popular 3 hour/6 outfit session, but she blew the 6 outfit changes out of the water with her speed! She was our first JDP senior to go in the tub for portraits AND the first to experience the indoor waterfall! I just love that we are able to bring out outdoor summertime ideas into studio during the winter! Want to create your own amazingness in a JDP senior session, click here to contact us!
We figured since we soaked Natalie in the waterfall, we may as well put her in the tub as well to lock down her gorgeousness!
Natalie, you were an absolute delight! We are so excited to welcome you into the JDP senior modeling program as well and look forward to creating with you again! Rock out what remains of your senior year and continue to channel your grief into growth–the world awaits the treasures you will share as a result!
Click here to contact us to chat about your own JDP senior experience!