JDP senior Kayden has his eyes on the future while very much soaking in the present for all its preciousness to him. He hopes his future will be at Clemson or High Point University studying to be a radiation oncologist. He’s known he wanted to be a doctor for a long time and that has only become more important to him with each passing year. One of his close friends, Jake Offutt, lost his battle with brain cancer 5 years ago. Watching a friend walk through the horror of cancer and being unable to do anything about it changed Kayden. His vision is cast in the direction of helping to be a part of the cure.
Kayden had a special request for his senior portraits. He wanted to include his best friend, his Pop. Pop retired when Kayden was born and as the youngest grandchild, Kayden got to spend a tremendous amount of time with his Pop. They’ve made incredible memories at their West Virginia cabin reveling in the great outdoors, fishing and talking about cars. There’s rarely a week that goes by in which Kayden doesn’t spend time with his Pop. So when Pop was diagnosed with esophageal and bladder cancer in January of 2019, Kayden’s world felt rocked to the core. Pop was told he had 6 months to live while undergoing treatment. The whole Sevison family feels the preciousness of the extra time they’ve been blessed with and are making the most of it at every turn.
I asked Pop who the craziest girl he ever dated was and he answered, ‘oh, that was Mom-Mom, easily!’ That’s what precipitated the portrait below! 😉
With Pop’s diagnosis, everyone knows there are no guarantees Pop will be able to see Kayden graduate, so the cap and gown was another perfect addition to lock down Kayden’s story. Pop’s affection for Kayden is written all over his face. Meeting Pop and watching him move about the studio grounds, you’d never know he was a stage 4 cancer patient!
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The bonds of family run very strong with the Sevisons. Kayden and his dad jokingly blame their passion for cars on Pop who started it all for them years ago. So of course we had to include dad’s sweet ride in Kayden’s senior portraits! And when you bring a sweet mullet, we gotta go with a 80’s vibe for one of our lighting set ups! A 1969 Camaro, all original!
Sometimes it’s the smallest things that have the largest impact. In this portrait above, I pointed out how the reflection of Kayden’s mom, dad and Pop were all in the truck. Kayden’s eyes are on the future and his base of support, cheering him on, always has his back.
It’s clear that Kayden knows how precious his family contributions have been to grow him into the awesome young man he is. He and his dad got their black belts together when Kayden was in middle school. He recognizes what his family has poured into him, so it was a no-brainer for him after Pop was diagnosed, to quit baseball. Kayden knew he didn’t want to spend all the time required for high school sports away from his Pop. He has no regrets.
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Kayden brought this fun smoke bomb to his portrait time!
Lastly, a special creation to mark the love of the great outdoors that Kayden’s Pop and Dad have instilled him. This is to honor the love of the outdoors, by time investment, that Pop and Kayden’s dad instilled in him. May the outdoors always restore and refresh you in your pursuit to be a part of the cure Kayden and keep rocking your equally southern/preppy look! The world awaits your mark and we are cheering you on!
First of all, I want to thank you for sharing the Sevison Story and for capturing the love of a family!! Secondly, I love the way your pictures hold the story to be told. Amazing work!!!
What a handsome young man. It is such a blessing to witness the importance of a family pouring love and wisdom into him. The photographs are stuning. Loved the truck photo and the relection of his family. Also love the last photo depicting his love of the outdoors. Interesting, the large tree trunk at the river’s edge looks like a dinosaur.
Wow!!! This is amazing Kayden you are an Amazing young man and I wish you all the Best in your adventures. The Sevison Family Bond is Amazing and I am blessed to know them. Your Pop is one Amazing man and your Grandmom was Amazing as well . This tribute is something eveyone will cherish forever.
Wow, this is the best senior pictures I have ever seen! I cried like a baby reading the story! I grew up with his dad, whom is a great man, and to see and read this makes me smile and so happy for my cousin and his son. Be proud both of you (mom too) you did a great job and I wish you all the happiness and success! I know you will live to the fullest! Congrats buddy! You are bound for greatness!!!!