Sometimes a crazy storm rolls in right in the midst of a session and we have learned to shrug our shoulders and say, “that’s MD weather for ya.” It’s never predictable, but often breathtaking. We roll with it and do our best to protect hair and make up! However, this time the timing could not have been for more perfect for JDP senior Kathryn’s portraits with her dad’s beloved 1969 Chevy Malibu. Kathryn spends time with her dad, making father daughter memories in this car and it was a perfect backdrop for the lovely gown she chose.
Kathryn is one special JPD senior! She is passionate about her life making a difference to help protect people and our earth. She has established 3 different student led organizations and anyone who knows Kathryn knows she’s a community organizer who loves government and politics. She’s an avid reader as well, which matches perfectly to her love of politics. While her peers were binge watching Netflix during the quarantine, she was reading and analyzing legislation. She’s fascinated by how one sentence can change how a bill progresses and desires to really understand the ins and outs of the political process.
The organizations she’s started are Generation Ratify (which focuses on women’s empowerment via legislation, especially in states where ERA is not as active), March For Our Lives Carroll County (which focuses on gun violence prevention) and Sunrise Movement (which focuses on climate change/justice). Her sophomore year she was chosen to lobby with March For Our Lives DC and met with a congressmen who showed her some of the DC ropes. One of the highlights of this experience was being able to travel around through the tunnels of DC. Kathryn’s love of politics grew wings that day, casting visions of the difference one young woman can make in this world.
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To date Kathryn’s interviewed delegates and will likely be interviewing a future gubernatorial candidate. She’s currently interning with Carroll County democrats and is eager to be off and running as life is opening back up after all the Covid restrictions. Of course Kathryn’s an excellent student as well. At Westminster High she’s in all AP and honors classes and a member of the National Honor Society Executive board with her eyes on the president role.
Kathryn’s also a thespian who has appeared in theatrical productions of Lion King, Shrek, Wizard of Oz, One Acts and Mamma Mia.
Kathryn’s love of reading inspired this idea that came to me literally the day of her session! Being a kid who transported myself via the written words bound in print, I can identify with this passion to get lost in a story. To every lover of books, there aren’t enough hours in the day to take in all the stories that allow us to become the heroines of an unlimited number of adventures. They provide a foundation for us when others feel shaky and never fail to create an escape.
Kathryn hopes to attend George Washington University to major in political communication next year. However, she is also aware they only accept 50 students a year to this prestigious program. My impression is she’s just the type of candidate they would be lucky to have. Her desire to help people in a very direct way has also led her to volunteer at the Gamber fire hall recently. Somehow she still manages to find time to work at Burger King as well!
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Kathryn and I were excited to see the mist coming off the ground after the rain in the sunset…felt like a magical ending to our creating time outside…
Kathryn shared at her pre consult planning meeting that she admired one of her friends senior portraits I had created and loved the fairy tale feel of laying in the flowers…her very own sleeping beauty moment!
Kathryn with her legal pad of notes from the legislation she analyzed over the quarantine…
Kathryn’s mom teared up at the portrait below. Realizing it mimicked one of her absolute favorite portraits of Kathryn as a little girl in preschool. She was so grateful for the portraits and the experience Kathryn had, saying her only regret was that her own mother was not still here to see this particular portrait since the pre-school one was one of her mom’s favorites. And that is the value of portraits…they become our legacy to connect generations in ways that are priceless to us.
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Kathryn’s godmother has taken Kathryn to see two Broadway productions and the thespian in her loved every single second of the experiences. She’s been told she resembles the Anastacia character as well which makes it even more gratifying to lose yourself in a story.
It’s hard for me to describe the absolute joy I experience from being able to create timeless works of arts from my JDP seniors. I want every young woman who graces my lens to have portraits of herself that she will still love 50 years from now and marvel at the story her life has written when she looks back.
Kathryn ended in the water with visions of the pages that have shaped her into the incredible young woman she is today! Kathryn, I am grateful you found my portrait services and have enjoyed following my work so much while waiting for your turn! Your excitement at your planning meeting was palpable and helped to give birth to your stilts of books portrait! Your future looks so bright–when you are elected to your first political office, I’ll be first in line to create your official portrait!