Our JDP senior line has given birth to our JDP senior senior line in portrait. That’s custom portraits to mark and celebrate college graduation. Lavi returned for us to do just that for her! We love continuing to tell your story and celebrate with you as you accomplish these milestones.

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Blog followers may recognize Lavi from the past when we celebrated her maternity and family portraits. She came to America, from Romania, about 12 years ago. In Romania she was trained as a dentist and decided in America she would like to study potentially to become a doctor.

The stress of simultaneously raising a family and going to college full time necessitates a physical outlet to keep charged for the never ending list of “to do’s” for each day. Lavi has found crossfit and can’t sing its praises loudly enough. It has been an incredible recharge and refocus for her. It has been absolutely essential to keep up with daily life demands. She values the community she has found that cheers her on and calls her up to each next level of accomplishment.

Lavi’s told her daughter she has a goal in her pursuit of more strength: to always be able to pick her up, even when she’s big!

Of course finding the time to work out is always a challenge, but it’s just another challenge she’s risen up to and found success in. It means her days often start at 5 a.m. and often end into the wee hours of the night, but she has persevered and kept her eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel.

Lavi graduates from McDaniel college in just 2 days with a Biology degree with a Chemistry minor and International Studies minor as well. She is also a National Security Fellow and has been a member of the Model United Nations. Her involvement has taken her to DC and given her an up close and personal view of the democratic process.

Lavi has such an adorable sense of style!

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Earning a bio-chem degree with stellar grades has meant a lot of grinding the last several years for Lavi. She and her daughter and son sat at the table all doing homework together. Adjusting to the American style of learning took some time as well. She trained for 6 years to be a dentist in Romania and was never asked to question what she was learning. Here, it was just the opposite. She was encouraged to question everything, and not just encouraged, it was expected.

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It’s quite an accomplishment that Lavi was able to have almost all of her education covered by scholarships she pursued. It had been a dream of Lavi’s to come to America and join the Army and become a doctor. She’s realizing sometimes our dreams take different paths as she ponders next steps. There’s a possibility she’ll take the MCAT’s this summer, but she’s also hopeful to work at NSA with her new degree.

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Lavi is the picture of the American dream. She came here and poured herself into making the dreams for her future a reality. She’ll be commissioned as an officer in the Army National Guard the day after graduation. All who love Lavi are so incredibly proud of her! Go get ’em Lavi!!!