I mean could there have been a better time for JDP senior Reilly to have brought her Barbie outfit to portrait time?!? Barbie is sweeping the nation and it looks like JDP senior Reilly could be Hollywood’s next casting choice! This real life Barbie look alike has sooo many levels to her awesomeness, it’s sure to blow you away! Click here to contact us re your own custom portraits.
At 5 years old Reilly continued the Sullivan family tradition and took to the lacrosse fields. By the time she was in 4th grade she was playing competitive level and it was clear to anyone who watched her that she’d be playing in college.
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Today Reilly plays for Gerstell and Skywalkers Blue where’s a defensive force to be reckoned with. She plays a lot and she trains hard; however, lacrosse is not the axis her world spins around. She sees lacrosse as an avenue to help accomplish her other goals in life. She’s got a healthy approach to this that is wise beyond her years and pretty rare to see.
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Reilly is under no illusion that accomplishing big things comes through chance or luck. She’s well aware that preparation on many fronts is required.
This is why when her SAT scores weren’t what she was hoping for, she set a plan of action into place to change that. Throwing up her arms and declaring that she was just no good at test taking was never an option for her. Instead, she proceeded to work with an SAT tutor for a year and watched her scores soar after the year she poured in.
On the fields Reilly is known for her leadership ability. She’s vocal, she’s determined and she’s a fierce competitor. These are all traits she hopes will serve her well for the career she wants to pursue in the military.
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On September 1, 2022 Reilly officially committed to attend West Point to play lacrosse and commit her life to serving the United States of America to keep it safe from those who would do us harm.
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This powerhouse was inspired by shows like NCIS to be a part of the solution to addressing our terror problem in the world. She desires to serve our country and fight for the rights that are easy to take for granted. The patriotism and gratitude she feels for our nation was instilled in her home and has inspired these next big steps for Reilly’s life. She’ll be attending Beast (Army’s basic training) next summer to start her journey!
Reilly we are cheering you on–on the fields and on the courses your life in the Army will take you. You bring an incredible blend of talents, fierceness, dedication and workhorse work ethic to this fight against terror! Go get ’em girl!!