Anyone who has ever fallen in love knows how easy it is when it starts. The adrenaline of infatuation burns strong and has been the inspiration for countless songs, films, paintings, poems and sacrificial purchases.

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The emotions the flood new love make you believe everything is possible and nothing could ever come between you and your love. It’s intoxicating for the couple and sometimes nauseating for veteran couples who would be wise to keep their thoughts about what’s coming down the pike.

Click here to contact us re your own custom portrait session.

But alas, like a fire built on kindling alone, love that burns hot at its start isn’t destined to last long without an investment of more substantial contributions of time and life. Andrea and Pete have done this. This Hollywood looking couple have vested in each other and built a life together that has stood the test of time, one sacrifice at a time.

Click here to contact us re your own custom portrait session.

Andrea and Pete have been married for 20 years and have 4 kids to their name! Four lives that resulted from their love of each other. Their oldest child just graduated from high school and they couldn’t be prouder!

This is a celebration of married love that perseveres and put downs roots to grow a life of love, laughter, mercy, forgiveness and kindness. Those roots give birth to sooo much life! Click here to contact us re your own custom portrait session.
Gorgeous photos. Now, seriously, the photography is exceptional.
Thank you, this loving couple is my daughter and son-in-law!!!! I love these photos.
Hollywood looking couple is exactly how I have always described them as well! Andrea and Pete, stunning! The photography, exquisite! 🖤