JDP senior Allie is a young woman who knows how to figure out each new challenge set before her in life. She’s not afraid to scale the mountains before her and make her way to the top with a smile and hearty celebration when she does.

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The Barbie movie’s influence on our JDP senior portraits this past season has been all the rage and sooo adorable!!!

Allie brings a natural athleticism to the wide variety of sports she’s played throughout her life. She’s been involved with gymnastics, soccer, softball, cheer and her favorite basketball. She’s valued the camradie that’s been built along the way as she’s met new people who quickly become friends.

Currently, aside from her high school work, Allie’s kept busy working at a crepe food truck and babysitting 1 year old twins. She’s also enjoys a little influencer work on the side helping to promote brands she loves in make up, jewelry and phone cases.

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Allie’s sweet golden Stella raced about our property, excited by all the new smells. Perhaps also slightly terrified by the prospect that this stop was another boarding situation for a family vacation. She was relieved to load up in the car at the end to go home with her people]]]]!

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Allie’s next steps for future plans are waiting to unfold. She’s part of the Covid 19 class that had it’s introduction to highschool virtually. Allie’s faced challenges throughout her life that she had learned so much about herself through. Her mom has been a constant force, cheering her on and calling out all the strength and maturity she sees growing so beautifully in Allie’s life.

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Allie and her mom are the ultimate BFF’s. Her mom joked that Allie is her mini-me! Her mom is so proud of the young woman Allie is growing into who knows her value and worth. Watching the two of them crack up at each other’s jokes, pull out tag lines from movies and hear each other’s insight on the portraits was a beautiful thing to behold. Jennie says she’s blessed to be Allie’s mom and walk beside her through this life to help her navigate it with confidence.

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Allie is quick to smile and laugh through life, understanding it’s the best way to move through life. Allie we wish you all the best in your next steps! It’s clear your wit, humor and spark for life will be an asset to whatever course you chart!
She is really a beautiful young woman