
Laney Family

I guess I’m feeling the weight of nostalgia like an achingly warm embrace. That’s what happens when I photograph the Laney family every 2 years, chronicling the passing of time for their family that has grabbed my heart and won’t let go.

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Our JDP senior portrait line fills our calendar year round. This has made fitting family portraits into our booking calendar a real challenge. However, this family has slot saved far in advance!

This is my 6th session with the Laneys. We started with the birth of their sweet Madison and Joe has taken the lead to make sure his growing family is chronicled every two years ever since. That was the first indication that this family was going to be special to me…it’s pretty rare for a dad to take the lead on portraits for their family.

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When I see Aubrey and Easton I remember their tiny baby selves in studio with big sister Madison. I remember when their shepherd Paver joined the family. And now the Laney’s are preparing for their beloved Paver to cross his rainbow bridge very soon. This progression is a vice on the heart, in so many ways.

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At their view and choose meeting, I told Shannon what a great job she was doing preparing the children for our portrait time. She and Joe looked quizzical. I assumed there were lots of conversations and watching of their old portrait movies we’ve created for them. Nope.

What?!? I was shocked! These 3 nuggets welcome Sara and I in everytime we come, like we just saw them last month. Literally zero warm up time! Right away the kids are showing me their new gymnastics moves they are mastering, jumps on the dirt bikes, chickens they love and forts they’ve built. They walked me through the halls to show me all the portraits from over the years lining their walls.

And I’m pretty sure this portrait above was their idea…or at least it started with one child saying they wanted to sit on the mantle and I took it from there.

There’s an artist I’ve always appreciated, Jim Daly. His work is Americana at its best and takes us to places in the heart we didn’t even know we were missing till we see them. Sooo many of the candid portraits of the Laney children remind me of his work.

These children spend their days outside on the growing farm that their mom and dad have labored to build them. Shannon is hands on every step of the way with them. She’s making sure everyone is safe and continually logging away memories they will one day share with their own grandchildren.

I think about the time stamp these portraits represent. I remember when the Laneys built their home and how the farm has grown. They will be soon adding cattle and pigs which the children are eagerly awaiting. The playsets, the chicken coops, the garden, the tree swing…all part of a rich childhood that will be a blessing in countless ways to sooo many!

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Madison has progressed beyond her ‘learner’s permit’ driving of the Ranger and she couldn’t be more proud! Shannon and Joe have walked her through the safety protocols and now she has the independence to drive around the farm!

As Easton showed me his newest dirt bike moves his sisters cheered him on to bigger jumps and he beamed from ear to ear! It’s clear the love of the great outdoors is burned into all their hearts.

And this one really got me because it’s so clear to me the pre-teen I’ll see next time…

Lastly, our stories start with a love that says I am yours and you are mine…let’s build a life.

And that life is bustling with so much love, energy and joy that learns how to forgive and weep together and hold on tightly as a family through more than we could ever imagine.

And we pray that the bonds we build within our families will carry them through all of the bold adventure that is this life and awaits them!

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  1. Susie Nelson says:

    Jennifer I am so happy that you have captured our Daughter – Son-n-Law and grandchildren through the years!
    Brad and I tear up every time we watch the videos.
    Especially this year with Paver. And Madison changing into a pre-teen before our eyes.
    It seems like yesterday when we first saw her – Brad was so proud to have his first grandchild, and now we are so proud to have three unique kids to love ❤️ ❤️🩵
    May Gid richly bless you and turn and of course our Shannon~Joe and our Grands.

  2. Marie Hallameyer says:

    Great captures!

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