Meet JDP senior Brayden. Blog followers may think he seems familiar. That’s because I’ve created senior portraits for his two older sisters Alex and Jillian in the last few years. In fact, it seems like just the other day that mom told me about the places she was planning on her walls for each of her children to be represented. I could not help but to see pieces of his beautiful sisters in his expressions! Interested in your own senior portraits? We’d love to chat with you about that if you click here.
Funny thing is, I remember years ago his sisters telling me Brayden was a quiet guy. I found that to be true, but I also found a kid who has a lot of wheels spinning in that mind of his. His smile is quick and he epitomizes a strength and gentleness in a rare combination. Like most guys, he wasn’t too excited about coming for portraits, but he did it to make his mom happy. He got a little more intrigued by the idea when we discussed covering what he loves in life: working out, playing basketball, his car and his dog.
Brayden attends Career Tech and is working in their HVAC program. Believe it or not, he drives to downtown Baltimore to work in the HVAC field through the week AND works at Carroll Lutheran Village through the weekend, all while attending school. This kids work ethic is off the charts! Somehow he manages to fit in a regular lifting routine at the Rec Center. So, naturally we headed there to lock down a big piece of his life right now.
Brayden is ready to close his chapter of school and get to work in the field he loves full time. He’s getting everything required in place to graduate early and begin working full time in the HVAC field 2nd semester.
Brayden loves working on his car. He plans for future modifications! Likely louder! 😉
If you’d like to visit Alex’s blog or Jilly’s blogs from past years, just click on their names. Jillian was housed on our old Unveil your Cinderella site, so we migrated over her photos so all the Howell JDP seniors would be represented here and findable. 😉
Brayden grew up playing a lot of football and basketball. Today he enjoys playing basketball at the Rec Center.
We ended the night in the pool and throwing water at Brayden to create this piece! Brayden, it has been a delight to get to know you through this creative process. I know you and your family had to move heaven and earth to make it to your session and then your selection w/your insanely busy schedules, but I’m so glad you all managed to! Now you can join Alex and Jilly on the walls! You all send me a selfie over the holidays when you are together and enjoying your album–it’s going to be a work of art chronicling what your mom and dad love most in this life!
Interested in your own senior portraits–we’d love to chat with you if you click here!