Peyton shares the creative artist soul of her mother, my stylist and dear friend Jill Jackson. PJ as we affectionately call her, has a shy smile that peeks out and brings a twinkle in her eyes that endears her to all who know her. She’ll laugh with you and bring you to seam busting laughter with her own antics. Click here to chat about your own custom portraits!
Peyton’s looks transform as frequently as her mom changes decor, if not more. PJ was coming for portraits to celebrate her love of an Anime cosplay character known as Black Butler Doll. Mom and Dad have gotten her a variety of cosplay costumes over the years. Dad doesn’t understand it, but he knows he loves his PJ, so he cheers her on when she finds something she loves.
Ben and Jill have rallied to call PJ up to the beautiful woman she’s growing into. They have fiercely surrounded her with a protective net of love that has been the precious soil to grow her into a kind, caring, sensitive soul she is. She’s a lover of music from her mom’s 80’s 90s hip hop to modern and she’ll dance to all of it in a family dance party.
Ben had one request for PJ when she came for portraits. He knew this was to celebrate her love of cosplay, but he requested she also create portraits of everyday PJ. She obliged and that’s the gorgeousness you see above that had dad choked up at her View & Choose. PJ hopped into his lap and wrapped her arms around Ben, just like she’s been doing ever since she could walk…Girls who have grown up with this kind of a love from their father are in possession of a far too rare jewel.
Now below you see the anime character Black Butler Doll. Doll’s story is that her parents poured hot water over her left eye, burning her and scarring her before they gave her up for adoption. She was taken to an orphanage and was never adopted. When she aged out of the orphanage, she joined a circus with other orphans who were also aging out. Doll is a tight rope walker and she keeps her left eye covered to hide the burn scars. Ultimately Doll’s life ended tragically when she died in a fire.
Click here to chat about your own custom portraits.
Perhaps PJ is drawn to Doll’s story because of her mom’s own adoption story which we told several years ago on the blog. Click here to read Jill’s adoption story.
Jill helped to add to this Doll costume that she and Ben commissioned someone to make for Christmas for PJ last year. Of course Jill had to take the costume to the next level of awesomeness! PJ was fortunate to have snow falling during her shoot so of course we embraced the beauty!
Peyton, your heart is tender and may the world never take that from you! May you always know how deeply you are loved by family and friends and most importantly your Father God who calls you his precious daughter! You are a daughter of the King and have a value far surpassing the greatest wealth in all the world dear one!
[…] woman in flux emerging. Click to see: Here’s when she was a little girl and here’s just a few years ago. […]