JDP senior Ainsley is an eclectic mixture of fierce athlete and fashionista all wrapped up into one 6’1 powerhouse of a young woman ready to take on the world!

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Ainsley attends Franklin High where her mom is about to be the most veteran teacher on the staff-close to 30 years! Ainsley’s family knows how to grow lacrosse players! Her brother, former JDP senior Liam was here last year and we marked down his love of lacrosse.

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Both brother and sister will be/are playing college lacrosse next year. Ainsley is committed to play at SCAD, Savannah College of Art and Design. Lacrosse has been a driving force in her life since she was 5 years old! She’s best known for her Twizzler move that opposing players are often surprised by. She’s played on M&D club team and fondly remembers a tournament in Belair that she scored the winning goal for a game and the tournament with her trademark Twizzler move.

SCAD won their lax conference last year so Ainsley is excited to be joining such an impressive team while getting to pursue one of her other major passions–fashion design!

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Ainsley’s love of fashion extends to all things fashion, but her particular interest for career is based on her shoe obsession–she wants to design them!

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Ainsley’s hope is to design Jordan’s and accompanying streetwear. SCAD has a shoe major and she plans to minor in social media marketing. She looks like she’s right out of a brand campaign in our creations, so I’d say she’s well on her way!

Ainsley’s been making clothes her whole life, starting with her dolls as a child. Today her beloved combos are mostly found via thrifting. She hopes to develop her own unique brand with flashy design elements that set her apart.

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I’m gonna be on the lookout for Ainsley’s line of shoes ’cause this surfer girl has an eye that screams fashion in all its fury!